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October 23, 2006

7:00 PM Memorial Hall

Present: Chairman David J. White, James M. Jumonville, Joseph G. Sullivan, Kenneth OBrien (arrived at 7:02PM)

Absent: Kimberly N. Ferguson

Others Present: Brian J. Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Liz Arguin, Recording Secretary

Chairman White opened the meeting at 7:01PM. The meeting was held to provide the public with information about a proposal to convert Rice School into housing.

Herb Ingram, Real Estate Coordinators, Inc.

The Town Manager gave a brief introduction to the Rice School proposal. He thanked Herb Ingram of Real Estate Coordinators and his family for presenting the proposal.

Mr. Ingram presented to the Board his plan for the purchase and development of Rice School. Mr. Ingram reported that the intent of Real Estate Coordinators is to purchase and renovate the two existing school buildings for residential condominium use. He also stated they would like to maintain the exterior look of the 1910 original building and demolish the connector between the wooden brick building that would be more compatible with the residential characteristics of the neighborhood.

Mr. Ingram went on further to discuss the proposed property plan, elevation of the two buildings and floor plans.

Chairman White thanked Mr. Ingram for his presentation and said there would be another meeting next Monday for the public to make comments. The Town Manager advised the Board that Mr. Ingram was not here to answer any questions or debate the preliminary plan. Specific questions could be addressed to individual Selectmen or the Town Manager prior to next weeks meeting.

Motion by Sel. Sullivan, seconded by Sel. OBrien, it was VOTED 3-1 TO OPEN THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC FOR GENERAL COMMENTS TO THE SELECT BOARD. (Chairman White opposed)

Citizens Address

Mr. Terence J. McKiernan, 57 Brennan Way, asked the Board about removal of soil around the oil tanks. He challenged the Boards plan to have successive public meetings for input.

Ms. Sheila A. Bachant, 45 S. Wachusett Street, asked the Board if the Town has to approve the sale of the Rice School property before this process can begin. She was advised by Chairman White that this had been done at Town Meeting in May 2006.

Ms. Louise Hugo, 49 Highland Street, thanked everyone who is involved on the Rice School project. She asked about elevators and accessibility.

Mr. Scott Brown, 28 Orchard Road, addressed the Board concerning the change there might be in the neighborhood and if the units will be owner occupied.


Motion by Sel. Jumonville, seconded by Sel. Sullivan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE OCTOBER 23, 2006 MEETING AT 8:04PM.

Approved: November 6, 2006